Invitation Confirmed dude

Hai hai haiiiii...
tes.. tis.. (ups..) tes.. ting.. yah yang bener, sory :D
1.. 2.. 3..

Hell yeah!! its work!!
hmm.. okay, Your invitation has been confirmed..
nulis opo iki? bingung.. dah diwanti-wanti ga boleh menyalurkan hobiku disini
yaitu.. misuh!! (--')

lah terus yo'opo c*k? (tuh kan ga isok aku lak ga misuh.. tapi gpp dah dikasih bintang, so it's legal right)

alah embuh wes.. as I know, this blog is weird... Did you ever seen a blog with description about her simplify live but too many talking about song lyrics?? it is weird, isn't it??just a lyric, not the meaning behind, no more!! ndak masukkkkk...

okay.. I think enough for preface, halah...
lagian laopo aku nulis-nulis nang kene?? koyok unoccupied person ae..
udahan ah.. good luck, keep post dude (bagiku koen lanang c*k, jiahhhh misuh manehhh :p)

1 komentar:

  1. babahno se...heh, dirimu udah tak kasi previlege posting ojo nggarai sing duwe blog, hahaha
    pokoke sukse bro!!! ^_^


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